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Our Commitment

Our professional background as professional divers with over 30 years of experience and our dedication to the underwater environment ensure our commitment that whatever project we undertake will be completed with respect to the project, funding sources and above all to our vision for the well-being of the marine environment.


Marine Protected Areas

According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Marine Protected Areas are recognized and clearly defined marine areas, which are under management through legal or other effective means, in order to achieve the long-term conservation and protection of biodiversity, ecosystems as well as their cultural values.

In Greece, even though the creation of marine protected areas is part of the country's commitments, as a member of the EU, it has practically not yet proceeded with implementation.

With some of the obstacles that appear in the creation of the TPP, in the Greek area,   to be:

  •  the inability to maintain, control and safeguard

  • the definition of specific protection objectives

  • the implementation of an action plan so that the effectiveness of the implementation is measurable.

At iaSEAs, having recognized both the need and the way to effectively protect a SPA, we have long been ready to make the creation of model protected areas a reality that will ensure the regeneration and protection of valuable marine ecosystems as well as where possible the preservation of historic shipwrecks which are part of our cultural heritage.

Educational programs

In order to protect the environment in the long term, it is important today to lay the foundations for tomorrow's responsible citizens.

The lack of education is mainly due to the lack of environmental awareness as it is not sufficiently cultivated by the Greek education system as well as in the wider social environment.

It is therefore necessary for children, especially at a young age, primary school, to be exposed to the problem of the marine environment. In this context, iaSEAs implements the educational program with the theme: "Let's go to a clean beach" which is addressed to students of Primary Education (Kindergartens and Primary schools) approved by the Ministry of Education No. Protocol: Φ1/ΕΠ/160147//Δ7 (GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION AND PROGRAMS SUPPORT FOR SUSTAINABILITY DEPARTMENT A').


The aim of the program is to inform children about the importance of human interaction in the marine ecosystem as well as to raise their awareness of the importance of its protection so that children are part of the solution and not the problem. Also, marine life is presented from a different perspective, as in addition to biodiversity, the bottom, especially of the Greek seas, hides an underwater museum. 


Protection of Poseidonia

Another threat to the sustainability of Mediterranean ecosystems is the insufficient protection of Posidonia oceanica. Poseidonia is an endemic species of the Mediterranean recognized by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) as a critically endangered ecosystem of the Mediterranean basin, as well as by the Mediterranean Regulation as a protected habitat.


Poseidonia meadows are of great environmental value as they display rich biodiversity, more than 1,000 species of fauna and 400 species of flora, and provide habitats for many marine species and provide them with large amounts of oxygen and organic matter.

These unique habitats are vulnerable and threatened in many ways by human activity, one of them causing irreparable damage is the unauthorized mooring of boats, Poseidonia.

At iaSEAs, having recognized the importance of protecting Poseidonia, especially in a country like Greece, where in the summer season due to maritime tourism, a large number of boats circulate and anchor arbitrarily usually in the most tourist-burdened spots. For this purpose, using professional diving techniques, we will install special technology permanent moorings to stop harmful arbitrary mooring.

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